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As someone who is making a first person movement game controlled only with the mouse - there's dozens of us!

Enjoyed playing around with this.

Visual and audio FX, and music make for some really great vibes.

Love the feeling of passing ammo into my main hand.

The movement system is too frustrating, of course :). I would:

  • Make wall jumping easier
    • increase frames?
    • strong audio / visual cue when you hit a wall?
  • Make movement easier
    • Consider not allowing shooting while on the floor?
    • Consider coming back to neutral if you don't move the mouse?
    • Consider a bit of air control?

Good fun!


I first tried this months ago and the control scheme was absolutely frustrating to me, couldn't even get out of the starter room. It's really frist. 

I played for a while today and I gotta say, I'm digging it. It feels nothing like a skateboard to me. As a former pacific northwest long border that may have been my initial problem. It feels much more like controlling a segway, which is also hella odd but once you learn super easy and efficient. 

Clearly, a lot of thought was put into this controller. It feels very well-grounded in its intended movement. However, it needs gamepad support. Badly. It's like playing a marble madness 3d ball roller with your mouse. 
You can...but my GOD is it needlessly stressful. 

Add some gamepad support, maybe make a free roam version with an open level with lots of stuff to vault off, zip around, loop de loop. If you rebranded this entire thing as a futuristic Tony Hawk Segway game, I'd 100% buy it. 

Good stuff. This is the kind of hidden gem that just needs some polish that makes the indie scene shine. Keep up the good work! 


hey, that means a lot to hear, thank you!

I never considered gamepad actually, that's a good thought. Probably because I approached it as an FPS. I feel like I'd lose wall and aim control, but hey, I'm down. I find that lowering the lean sensitivity significantly improves control, for what it's worth.

segway checks out +1 thanks for the feedback!

While I absolutely love it and have finally gotten to the point where I can ALMOST get out of the starting room consistiently, I'd disagree with 6dof since... well, you can never adjust roll, only pitch or yaw. Also is there something I'm supposed to be trying to do beyond "yeahYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH" around the map and tag the heads of the worms so I can continue to "yeahYEAHYEAHYEAHYEAH" my way around the map? If not, maybe add a counter on how many shots I've landed or a timer or something?

thanks for playing!

for sure, definitely "almost" 6dof (wink). I certainly agree that any explicit indicator of achievement before you get wormed would be a great low-hanging revision to make and is a bang-on piece of feedback.

would you be interested in playing with this movement system in a larger game with more content to back it up?